Monday, December 15, 2008

More fun with the greatest NFL Quarterback of this generation...

I figured the pictures explained everything. Get it, its a picture book? What? Huh? What? FUCK YOU!!! Use your imagination.


dAndy ManCandy said...

Pic #7 - Look see that! That's the fucking football up there sill floating. How can you call it incomplete when it hasn't even landed yet fuckface!

JT Roberts said...

Marmalard got robbed. The put that geriatric fuck Favre and Cutlerfucker in the pro bowl.

dAndy ManCandy said...
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dAndy ManCandy said...

Ok caption for the bottom pic......

"So when Norv whipped his dick out I had both balls in my hands like this. Man, that guys has some huge nads and the one one the left hung down way lower than the one on the right. The next thing I know......"