So the Los Angeles Times sports writer TJ Simers decided to write a few articles blasting Philly and its fans. He also insinuated that the Rays and Phils should job out so that everyone can see the Dodgers vs. Red Sox, a matchup that has the sports media collecitively erect. Here are just a few quotes from his recent shitrag:
"You spend any time in this dingy city and around these folks, and pit bulls running wild come to mind. Fine when leashed, but set them free, put a beer in their grubby paws and it's only a matter of time before they're going to go on the attack -- both the home team and its opponent feeling the bite."
"Philly has always been more bark than championship bite, so why should the Dodgers give a hoot about folks who paint their faces and then have to drive home looking like sad clowns? The Dodgers have the better team, a destiny date in Boston, and while that might make the folks in Philly miserable, they don't know how to act any differently here."
"Three playoff wins in L.A. might be asking for too much, though, from a Dodgers team that doesn't figure to be as good as the Phillies in close games down the stretch. But leaving L.A. up 3-2 makes everyone at Fox hoping for an L.A.-Boston matchup feeling pretty good.That would take the series back to the city, though, that just isn't quite up to the standards of New York or Boston, the Dodgers needing one more win in this angry place."
"It's asking for a lot, of course, the two teams who don't have the home-field advantage having to win, but then it's kind of the responsibility of the Phillies and Rays to step aside in the best interests of entertaining baseball...Don't know about the Dodgers, but just imagine the panic that might set in if the Phillies win again and no one no longer cares who wins the World Series? Next thing you know, Tampa beats Boston."
Then the jackass wonders why he got hate mail.
The first notion that I dont like is that its some sort of destiny for the LA Dodgers to make the World Series. Why? Because the LA Angels, who finished with the best record in the American League, got bounced by Boston in the divisionals? Or is it because you want to see Red Sox rejects Manny, Nomar and Derek Lowe play against their former team because you need a storyline to entertain "sports fans" in Hollywood? Hows this, maybe you like watching LA Teams getting their asses handed to them on the big stage by Boston teams (see: Celtics vs. Lakers), is that it?
The guy goes and bashes fans and people he is completely unfamiliar with. We are diehards who wear face paint and go apeshit. We arent at the stadium wearing our oversized sunglasses to get our pictures taken with celebs, like you fairweather fucks in LA. When the Dodgers were shitty, how many people could you find in the stands? Not too many. Our fans showed up and we sold out when the Eagles were 2-14, the Phils lost 85 games, the Flyers were dead last, and when the Sixers had Shawn Fucking Bradley. I could insult your fanbase and your fanhood by calling into question your inability to host an NFL franchise (awwww) and even the ones in your state play like shit (with the exception of San Diego). How about I spare the trash talk and get straight to the facts...
The Dodgers are destined to play in the World Series, right? Wrong. They finished 84-78 and won their weaksauce division. The Marlins (3rd in OUR division) finished 84-77, the Mets finished second at 89-73, the Astros (86-75) and the Cardinals 86-76 ALL with better records than the Dodgers, but didnt make the playoffs, because they arent geographically located in shitty divisions. Thats FOUR teams that are better than you but not in the playoffs, but yours is a team of destiny...my ass. You want to say its in the "best interests of entertaining baseball" for the Rays and Phils to step aside. Why? So LA can get swept in a World Series and you can listen to Joe Buck ramble on and on about the Manny Ramirez vs. the Red Sox storyline. News flash, sunshine, there will not be a Hollywood ending to this series. Our number two pitcher drove in more runs the other night than your best hitters. We are going to win this series in 4 or 5 games. Manny is going to sign a huge contract with the Mets or Yankees, Derek Lowe will end up with the Cubs or maybe even us in Philly, and your precious Dodgers will be a .500 team at best. We, on the other hand, will continue to be a National League powerhouse.
In conclusion, suck it.
OK, if I do see this guy I will uppercut him right in the cock for you. The only question is if I can pull this off what's in it for me JT?
Philly cheesesteak and beer, my friend.
oh hells yeah, the hunt for TJ shall commence ASAP!!
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